
Publication list

Our lab encourages active research presentation by students. Undergraduates are encouraged to present at domestic confereces, and master's students are encouraged to submit their research to international conferences and journals. We have a track record of publishing high-level results in top conferences and journals, including IEEE PerCom, IEEE ACCESS, and IEEE IoT Journal.

Awards of students

Our faculty and students have a proven track record of success in academic conferences, receiving numerous awards for their outstanding research. We are proud to have received countless awards in app development contests and business plan competitions as well. Our students consistently achieve top honors, including graduating at the top of their class (2021, 2023, 2024) and receiving the President's Award (2023, 2024) on a yearly basis.

Representative papers 

Physical Human Activity Recognition 

  1. EHAAS: Energy Harvesters As A Sensor for Place Recognition on Wearables, IEEE PerCom2019.
  2. ZEL: Net-Zero-Energy Lifelogging System using Heterogeneous Energy Harvesters, IEEE PerCom2022.
  3. HeMoFi4Q: Morse Communication Based on Wi-Fi and Head Motion for Quadriplegia With Environmental Robustness, IEEE ACCESS 2023.
  4. Senstick: Comprehensive sensing platform with an ultra tiny all-in-one sensor board for IoT research, Journal of Sensors, 2017.
  5. Quantitative Evaluation System for Online Meetings Based on Multimodal Microbehavior Analysis, Sensors and Materials, 2022.

Psychological State / Mental / Personality Recognition

  1. Psychosocial impact of COVID-19 for general workers, Journal of occupational health, 2020.
  2. Detection of Careless Responses in Online Surveys Using Answering Behavior on Smartphone, IEEE ACCESS, 2021.
  3. Unsupervised Learning of Domain-Independent User Attributes, IEEE ACCESS 2022.

Federated Learning & Differential Privacy

  1. Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning With Resource Adaptive Compression for Edge Devices, IEEE IoT Journal 2023.
  2. AGC-DP:Differential Privacy with Adaptive Gaussian Clipping for Federated Learning, IEEE MDM2023.
  3. Enhancing Efficiency in Privacy-preserving Federated Learning for Healthcare : Adaptive Gaussian Clipping with DFT Aggregator, IEEE ACCESS, 2024.

Behavior Change Support System / Learning support

  1. Sensing and Changing Human Behavior for Workplace Wellness, Journal of Information Processing, 2019.
  2. Investigating effects of interactive signage–based stimulation for promoting behavior change, Computational Intelligence, 2019.
  3. Exploring the Impacts of Elaborateness and Indirectness in a Behavior Change Support System, IEEE ACCESS 2021.
  4. LightSub: Unobtrusive Subtitles with Reduced Information and Decreased Eye Movement, Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 2024.

Smart City

  1. Measuring “Nigiwai” from Pedestrian Movement, IEEE ACCESS2021.
  2. Gamification-based incentive mechanism for participatory sensing, CrowdSense2014 (WS in IEEE PerCom2014).
  3. Gamification mechanism for enhancing a participatory urban sensing: Survey and practical results, Journal of Information Processing, 2016.
  4. EmoTour: Estimating emotion and satisfaction of users based on behavioral cues and audiovisual data, Sensors, 2018.
  5. Generating pedestrian maps of disaster areas through ad-hoc deployment of computing resources across a DTN, Computer Communications, 2017.

Autonomous Driving

  1. An Adaptive Path Planning Method for Curved Roads via Three-Dimensional Space-aware Profiling Maps, IEEE ACCESS, 2023.
  2. Trajectory Planning in Frenet Frame via Multi-Objective Optimization, IEEE ACCESS, 2023.