

912 at West 2 building, 744 Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka, 819-0395
〒819-0395 福岡市西区元岡744 ウエスト2号館912
info (at)


Subway & Bus from Fukuoka Airport

  • Board a train bound for Nishi Karatsu (西唐津) or Chikuzen Maebaru (筑前前原)
  • Get off a train at Kyudai-Gakkentoshi (九大学研都市) Station
  • Take a Showa Bus to Ito Campus
    • Morning: You can find a direct bus at left side of the station. The bus will take 17 min.
    • Other time: You can find a normal bus in front of the station. It will take more tiem.
  • Get off a but at Kyudai Rigakubu-mae (九大理学部前)

Direct bus from downtown (Hakata Station / Tenjin Station)

  • Not easy to find the bus stop & long bus travel but no transit.
    • Bus stop at Hakata: Hakata Ekimae Bus stop A 
    • Bus stop at Tenjin: Tenjin Solaria Stage-mae Bus Stop B
  • Bus number : K
  • Duration
    • From Tenjin: 50 minutes with smooth traffic. (usually 10 min more)
      • Usually you cannot take a seat (keep standing).
    • From Hakata: 60 minutes with smooth traffic. (usually 10 min more)
  • Get off a but at Kyudai Rigakubu-mae (九大理学部前)

Routes from bus stops in Ito Campus